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Looking back 5 Local Search Trends in 2015

Local Search is one of the aspects of SEO has been constantly changing according to the development of digital marketing and especially in the last 2015. Power of Local Search for marketing campaigns on the local scope is undeniable and this strength is growing. One study showed that Bright Local Local Search is a digital marketing channels is most effective for local businesses.

And from operating activities in the 2015 Local Search just then, commentators have pointed out is Jason Decker 5's development trend, as well as Local SEO Local Search this, namely:

1. Increasing competition in the first 3 positions of local SERP

The biggest change in the 2015 Local Search that is to minimize the number of addresses are now displayed on the search results table. From 7 address as before, now users can only see 3 business address on the SERP. Although they can still click on to display more (20 address), but with a reduction in the number of such displays, Google made the top 3 positions on jute hours local search becomes more competitive.

Certainly, the display will remain in the coming years. And now forced to pay Google for your advertising if not disappear from your website to top rankings local search.

2. Increasing the impact of factors in ranking position

A recent study indicates that, the local search is performed by the user includes the term meant "near me" (they search for businesses near them most). Among them, there were 80% of searches are performed on mobile. The search times of users will be affected by factors that "close" (determined based on where users search network and IP address)

Thus, we can see, the range of business activities is now a ranking factor in Local Search and increasingly play a more important role. Although you can not optimize for all the search location of the user on the local range, however, you can still ensure the presence of their website on a local scope when more information business including: business name, business address, telephone number.

Here are a few tips for you to optimize Local Search:

Mark the data and highlight information relating to business on the page.
Optimize for Local Search titles (adding a city name or place name associated with the business sector is active)
Increasing the amount of backlinks from the same site area.
Priority is given to business information related directly to the local location (eg regional telephone and address local realities, ...)

3. User friendly interface with mobile devices becoming mandatory elements

After launching Mobile Friendly algorithm earlier this year, Google has essentially completed this algorithm putting into practice. You will see clearly the change when you search on mobile devices, especially in the field of competition. Many business websites do not provide a good experience for users on mobile devices has been a significant decline as well as ranking visit.

From this reality, having a website friendly mobile devices have become a mandatory and essential from both this year and in the coming years. Because according to a study analyzing the search behavior of users, they tend to use mobile devices will increasingly. Search volume on the mobile user's current desktop surpassed in some leading countries in technology and will spread globally.

4. search behavior of users on day one SERP have greater impact

The search behavior of search engine users will have a greater impact on the day a Google algorithm. The site with a click-through rate (CTR), dropout rates page (bounce rate) higher, or visit time (time on page) low will have a negative effect on the ranking of the site on the SERP .

In addition, through the Analytics data from the website, you can also improve the experience of users on the site - one of the most important factors and affect the original core website ranking. If users have a higher dropout rate page, or exit the page after a relatively short time, it will be a sign you need to change. Change of quality content, quality or modified form user how to navigate on the page.

5. More and more updates and Google tools

Indeed, we have seen too many names to learn about Local Search, such as "Google Local," "Google Plus Local," "Google Maps," "Google My Business." What are they tools and the nature of what this stuff is?

This is the general question of a lot of current SEOer otherwise updated information from Google on a regular basis. In the future, there may be more changes like that from Google makes a more ambiguous SEOer day.

Not to be confused before changes in Google's upcoming, you should note that Google My Business will be the official interface of the business on Google. And search engines are also moving local business data and feedback from users about the business from the Google Plus social network, making + 1 on Google Plus and share information on this social network slowly becoming outdated and obsolete.


Above are five trends are drawn from Local Search 2015 abstracts Hope this trend will be a good gauge for all readers.

And also hope that, through this summary, readers can draw from the behavior and development of the 2015 Local Search. Please like and share this article to a friend to all of them have a look at the best of Local SEO.


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